Michael Crescent Reserve – Hillbank

We were lucky enough to be awarded a tender for 3 separate sites in the City of Playford. Our first site was Michael Crescent Reserve, a beautiful little reserve with a small footprint that we managed to get quite a lot of play value into, thanks largely to the use of the Elevate range.

We included a double post swing, frog rocker and some steppers to accompany the main structure that was designed for different age groups of kids. We went with a more natural colour scheme than the other 2 sites, to match the surrounding reserve and location.

Our product range is highly customisable. This project contained components from our Elevate range as well as freestanding items, to create the perfect playground for this playspace.

Our Design Consultants can tailor any structure to suit your needs and budget.

Elevate Play Structures

Our Elevate structures are next level fun! Built taller with a smaller footprint, so you can squeeze more play value into a smaller space, while saving on soft fall.

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