Titania Park – Greenwell Point

CLIENT: Titania Park
LOCATION: Greenwell Point, NSW

Shoalhaven City Council had a vision of enhancing Titania Park’s waterfront area with four fitness stations, aligning perfectly with the new path and picnic/BBQ zones. Enter Forpark Australia, who successfully executed this project from start to finish, including the supply and installation of the Parkfit stations, as well as the essential softfall and concrete edging.

The addition of these fitness stations is an exciting development for Titania Park, as they provide a fantastic opportunity for visitors to engage in outdoor exercise while enjoying the picturesque waterfront surroundings. With the completion of all necessary works, including the meticulous installation process and the implementation of safety measures such as softfall and concrete edging, the fitness stations are now ready to withstand the test of time and become a focal point for fitness enthusiasts and families alike.

As the summer holidays approach, these newly installed fitness stations will undoubtedly be put to the test. Locals and tourists alike can look forward to a refreshing workout session in the open air, followed by a leisurely picnic or a sizzling BBQ by the water’s edge. The synergy between the fitness stations, the path, and the picnic/BBQ areas creates a well-rounded recreational space that promotes health, well-being, and community engagement.

Shoalhaven City Council and Forpark Australia have once again showcased their commitment to enhancing public spaces and fostering an active lifestyle. By collaborating on this project, they have successfully delivered a valuable asset to Titania Park that will contribute to the overall well-being and enjoyment of the local community. So, grab your workout gear, gather your loved ones, and get ready to make the most of these fantastic fitness stations during the upcoming summer holidays!


Motivating Healthy Communities with our range of Australian-made outdoor fitness equipment.

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