Kelly Hamilton

Sales and Design Consultant

I love swings. The motion of a swing is really calming, but there’s the challenging element as well when you’re by yourself and trying to kick up momentum to get as high as you can.

What area of your state are you responsible for? Essentially right up the middle of Victoria – from the Mornington Peninsula to the NSW border.

Fun facts about Kelly: Being a single parent of a 5-year-old who is constantly full of beans keeps me on my toes, but I’m forever grateful to be his mum. I love to travel. Learning and experiencing different parts of the world and their various cultures. I’m passionate about children’s development, inclusiveness and encouraging community understanding of neurodiversity.

Favourite thing about working in the Playground Industry: What’s not to love? Playgrounds are fun, whether you’re playing on them, designing them, building them, or just watching others enjoy them. I work with an amazing group of humans! I also love the outdoor fitness side of the business. Creating spaces for entire communities to enjoy regardless of their age, fitness level or stage of life.

Favourite project: It’s only a small reserve, but Kings North reserve in Templestowe is one of my favourites. I love the colours, environment and feel of this playground. It has my son’s tick of approval too.

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